Pillar 2; Infrastructure and Economic Services
The Ministry of Works and Transport is the Pillar Chair for Infrastructure and Economic Services, the Second Pillar of the Parish Development Model. The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Development is the co-chair, and the two lead Ministries on the 28th of February held a key stakeholder’s consultative workshop to review the draft manual for the implementation of Pillar 2.
The government of Uganda adopted the Parish Development Model strategy purposes to deepen the decentralization process, improve household incomes, enable exclusive, sustainable, balanced, and equitable socio-economic transformation, and increase accountability at local levels.
Pillar 2 of the PDM; Infrastructure and Economic Development, undertakes a number of activities including the improvement of community access roads, removal of choke points from the community roads, establishment and upgrading of community markets. It also seeks to enable the extension of electricity and other forms of energy sources to communities, to Increase mineral exploitation & value addition for job rich industrialization.
Pillar 2 is also charged with the provision of sustainable water supply for domestic & production purposes, increased internet coverage to communities, and promotion of integrated planning to facilitate planned settlement.
The pillar chair will facilitate the building of the capacity of local governments and other designated entities to effectively and efficiently implement pillar 2 activities and to maintain the pillar investments.
The PDM has seven Pillars i.e.
(1) Production, Storage, Processing, and Marketing;
(2) Infrastructure and Economic Services;
(3) Financial Inclusion;
(4) Social Services;
(5) Mindset change;
(6) Parish Based Management Information System
(7) Governance and Administration.