The Honourable Minister of State for Transport, Hon. Fred Byamukama this week broke ground for the opening up and improvement of security roads in the Karamoja sub-region and the neighboring districts.
When completed, the roads will improve connectivity between the sub-region in the specific districts of Kaabong, Kotido, Karenga, Moroto, Abim, Nabilatuk, Nakapiripirit, and Napak.
The ceremony brought together numerous members of parliament from the region as well the Minister of State for Karamoja affairs Hon. Agnes Nandutu. All the political leaders showed great enthusiasm about constructing these roads as they collectively believe that the roads will greatly transform the region in terms of security, accessibility, and development.
The cabinet directed that security roads covering approximately 2240km in 11 Districts of Karamoja Sub-Region and the neighboring Sub-Regions should urgently be worked on to facilitate connectivity and mobility of Security Forces in the area to curb insecurity and cattle rustling in the region.
To begin with, Government is going to work on 250km of roads as follows:
- Lot 1: Nakirolo – Naput – Kotein – Loyoro (88km) and Loyoro – Lopedo - Turuturu (50km); 138Km and
- Lot 2: Karisarik - Magos-Naput (32km) and Kobeb – Kalongolemuge - Nakaperimoru (80km); 112km.
The procurement of a contractor for Lot 2 was finalized and the contract was awarded to M/s Uganda Martyrs Housing and Construction Company Ltd. The procurement for the 2nd contract is underway.
The scope of works for the above interventions included, site clearance, heavy grading, graveling, drainage improvement works including culvert installation and construction of bridges, swamp raising and filling and ancillary works.
The proposed road lengths to be improved in each District are as below:
SN |
District/Sub-Region |
Road Length (km) |
1 |
Karenga |
392.4 |
2 |
Kaabong |
352 |
3 |
Acholi |
360 |
4 |
Napak |
342 |
5 |
Kotido |
109 |
6 |
Abim |
106 |
7 |
Katakwi |
70 |
8 |
Kapelebyong |
40 |
9 |
Nakapiripirit |
104 |
10 |
Amudat |
86 |
11 |
Nabilatuk |
129.2 |