Information disclosure, consultation and participation have been undertaken by the ONEC 3 consultants on behalf of African Development Bank as part of the preparation of this ESMP and supported by subsequent due diligence activities undertaken by benefiting States of Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda. In addition, individual States are engaged in an ongoing consultation process which will continue during the Project construction and operation phase.
Public disclosure, consultation and participation process was initiated early in the feasibility stage and project inception with the affected public who were informed about proposed project through communications to and through local government. During the subsequent study implementation and preparation of this ESMP, the consultants undertook extensive stakeholder and public consultations. In addition, during surveys field officials met people and informed them about the location of project. The disclosure and consultation process were undertaken in accordance with “Public Consultation and Information Disclosure Guidelines”.
The level of engagement varied amongst stakeholders with some registering minor comments and other proving more detailed feedback. Much of the consultation to date has focused around concerns on the project alignment, mitigation of construction impacts, and potential side effects from proximity to project. Stakeholder viewpoints have been considered and their concerns and suggestions for possible improvements, where appropriate, have been included. It is important to note that no stakeholders have registered any outright opposition to the Project.
Considering that the disclosure process continues, I hereby disclose the ESMP for Multinational Lake Victoria Maritime Communications and Transport