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Kyenjojo-Kabwoya Road (100 km)

Project Details


Project name and Length

Civil works for the Upgrading of Kyenjojo – Kabwoya Road (100.4km) from gravel to paved (Bitumen) Standard


Shengli Engineering Construction (Group) Co. Ltd of Shengli Oilfield, China

Contract sum

UGX447,605,516 and USD3,079,482

Funder (s)

The World Bank / Government of Uganda

Districts traversed by project

Kyenjojo, Kagadi and Kikuube

Commencement date

5th April 2016

Completion date

Original: 4th April 2019. Revised:15th October 2019 (awaiting World bank No-Objection)

Work done to date

67.85% against 71.88% of planned

Supervision Consultant

M/s. Comptran Engineering & Planning Associates, Ghana

Supervision commencement

5th April,2016

Supervision sum

USD 2,824,521

Sub-Contractor (Electricity)

M/s. Mantab

Sub-Contractor (Water)

M/s.  Cribb Technical Services Ltd, Uganda

The total length of the road is 100.4km constructed by M/s. Shengli Engineering Construction (Group) Co. Ltd of Shengli Oilfield and being supervised by M/s. Comptran Engineering Construction and Planning Associates (Ghana). The project road traverses the three districts of Kyenjojo, Kagadi and Kikuube. The work commenced on 5th April 2016 for duration of 36 months. The revised completion date awaiting World Bank No objection is 15th October 2019. The works contract amount is UGX 214,563,989,426 while the supervision contract amount is USD 2,824,521.

The carriageway and shoulders will be sealed with Double Bituminous Surface Treatment (DBST) wearing course. The project has subcontractors i.e. M/s MANTAB for relocating electricity and M/s Cribb Technical Services Ltd, Uganda for relocating water. M/s Community Health Promotion Consultants (COHEPCO) Uganda was the nominated service provider for HIV/AIDS and BRAC Uganda is the nominated service provider for GBV/VAC      


Project progress

Actual physical works as of July 2019 was at 67% against a planned 71%.  In terms of time, the project has used 40 months out of the 45months but the original project length was 36 months.